Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nothing to really say again today. I hate not being able to really converse about stuff running through my head.
I am sitting at a friend's house doing exactly the same thing that I was doing at home. I am surfing the web and decided to write this blog. It's nice to stare at different walls for a while. I am sitting here with company instead of sitting alone at my house but still accomplishing nothing.
I started playing with another band a couple of months ago and I am trying to adjust to the different genre of music that they play. Like with my last band, I had to learn country music. I really don't know what type of genre that this is that I am learning.

I have been keeping up with the two men from Malawi Africa that were sentenced to 14 years of hard labor for being gay. What a sad world that we live in that people can't love one another without being condemned for it. I too am gay and can't imagine having to to jail because of who I love.
I signed petitions for their immediate release, along with several thousand others. To my surprize, it worked. The president of Malawi pardoned them and released them from prison yesterday. I do, however, believe that that was partly because some world leaders threatened to halt several billion dollars in aid to their country if they continued to imprison these two poor men.
I would like to believe that it was due in part to a national outcry to do the right thing and reform the outdated colonial laws that they are still living under. I don't know though.

I have had a friend of mine that passed away on my mind lately. I don't exactly think about her all the time but I am around places, people, and circumstances that remind me of her and alot of the things that she and I used to do. So, with that said, I think that I need to change my surroundings and people, and places and circumstances. I have been thinking this for a while now. It's becoming an urge to get up and just go.

The only thing about that idea really is letting go. That's what I really need to do. I need to learn to let go of fear. Let go of the fear of change. Something that I need the most.Change.
I also feel like there is something in my life that I need to be doing but can't quite put my finger on it. Something is missing. I need to find out what that calling just is. I feel something pulling at me. I'll find it soon, I'm sure.
Well I guess I did have something to say after all. Wow! That's awesome! That actually has become one of my favorite words. I try to keep positive words in my daily vocabulary. That is one of them.
Bye for now and until next time: Peace and love to you!!!